Water Quality and Other

Water Quality

​2023 Water Quality Consumer Confidence Report
Interested in more information about the water in your water system? Click on the link below and you will be taken to the Forest Park Estates Water user's Association information page on the Montana DEQ site. Links on the left of the page take you to various reports.
 Montana DEQ​



There are five known noxious weeds in the Forest Park Subdivision. Hand pulling when the soil is wet in the spring is the best for controlling these noxious weeds.  Herbicide also can be used to control these weeds when applied in the spring and fall.  Mowing has a limited use in controlling these weeds as each time they are mowed the plant continues to grow but with a much smaller plant that still produces flowers. Soon the weeds are too low to be mowed but still able to produce seeds.  So if you know how to use an herbicide you can apply it yourself or call a reputable company such as True Green or Nitro Green.

So please take the time to check your lot for these invaders.  Also when you are out for a walk and spot one of these weeds along the road way take the time to pull them out (if it is not a major infestation) so hopefully they will not spread to your lot.  A pair of gloves makes this job easier.

If everyone chips in a little effort it will help in the spread of these noxious weeds.

Use the "Noxious Weeds" link below for pictures and descriptions.  You can also contact your Jefferson County Weed District for more information at 225-4165.  The Weed District also has a cost sharing program that you may participate in for purchasing Herbicides if you have a large area to spray.

Noxious Weeds in Forest Park Estates